Bremen — a Heat Island?

First of all, we would like to congratulate Linus Andrae on his successful graduation and the valuable contribution he has made with his research on Urban Heat Islands in collaboration with the Institute of Environmental Physics (IUP).

His master‘s thesis is an important addition to our climate projects.
Due to their significant impact on public health, the environment and over all climate change, it‘s particularly important to monitor Urban Heat Islands and identify possible factors influencing their size.

Interestingly, our beautiful city of Bremen was used as a case study for this research. Using multispectral satellite imagery (Landsat 8 & 9), several Urban Heat Island (UHI) areas were identified and classified in the city. These were mainly observed in residential and industrial areas. In contrast, areas with high vegetation cover weren‘t affected.

Overall, the results show that the type of surface texture plays an essential role in the intensity and size of the UHI. It also highlights the importance of vegetated areas as a possible mitigation measure.

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