Welcome to ThEO

Due to climate change, the need for Smart Cities and robust infrastructure monitoring is greater than ever. The anticipated consequences of global warming, ranging from extreme weather events to rising sea levels, pose substantial challenges to urban environments and the infrastructure that sustains them. Smart Cities and infrastructure operators, equipped with innovative technologies and data-driven solutions, are poised to address and mitigate the impacts of climate change on urban infrastructure.

ThEO is a website conceived and maintained by OHB Digital Connect. It bundles the work results of several publicly funded projects in the context of adapting urban spaces and infrastructure to the consequences of climate change. As new projects are constantly being added to the portfolio, ThEO is being continuously expanded.

General overview


Recent activities

  • Infrared Remote Sensing using drones?

    As part of her bachelor thesis at OHB DC, one of our dual students has taken on an exciting project: The design of an infrared sensor system for remote sensing […]

  • A greener future for the Baltic Sea Region?

    The effects of climate change are not going unnoticed – especially in the Baltic Sea region, profound changes can be observed affecting important ecosystems and its population. The European Space […]

  • 🎬 urbanCLIM Recap – UrbanAI

    In the ‚UrbanAI‘ project, the detection of sealing and climate-relevant surface structures plays an important role. Especially in times of climate change, such aspects are crucial for the sustainable design […]

  • 🎬 urbanCLIM Recap – CityCLIM

    How to effectively reduce Urban Heat Islands? 🌇 The CityCLIM project has developed a simulation-based tool to help cities plan and implement heat island mitigation measures🌡️ In the video, Dr. […]

  • 🎬 urbanCLIM Recap – Methane Detection

    Methane is a major contributor to global warming 🌍 and was therefore an important topic at the urbanCLIM workshop. Here Enno Tiemann presented his work on methane leak detection using […]

  • Innovation on Track: IIMEO Shines at XXI RAILCON ‘24 in Niš

    The XXI RAILCON ‘24 Conference, held in Niš on October 10–11, 2024, brought together leading experts and innovators from across Europe in the fields of railway technology and transportation. The […]